Sunday, January 18, 2009

Basketball should be fun again.

Nike and Kobe Bryant have put out 2 new commercials for his new shoe.  To put it frankly, Nike has hit a home run with these.  They are hysterical, and very creative.  Along with the new Lebron James adds, Nike is making NBA basketball fun again.  The very thought of this makes me happy.  When I was growing up, the NBA was the most popular sport among my friends.  These days, it seems the perception of NBA players is that they are overpaid thugs.   I remember Michael Jordan, and David Robinson, not Letrell Sprewell, and Ron Artest.  I am very happy Nike is making an effort to make the NBA fun again.  Basketball is my favorite sport by far, and I will admit it has lost its flair in recent years.  Hopefully these adds, along with exciting players like Kobe, Lebron, and Dewayne Wade will make the NBA exciting for younger fans again.

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