Thursday, January 8, 2009


This will be the first year that I will take my resolutions seriously.  In previous years I would set the usual goals like; loose weight, save money, and so on.  This year I am going to set goals that actually mean something to me.  

  1. Stay Positive - This is something that I really need to work on.  There are many times were I will join in when people are complaining about something.  Doing this always brings me down, and I feel worse when the conversation is over.  I am going to try and either change the direction of the conversation, or not join in at all.  Hopefully, this will not only make a change in the way I feel, but it will also have a positive effect on those around me.
  2. Stay Vegetarian - First off, not eating meat makes me feel great.  Secondly, it makes me feel like I am making a little bit of a difference.  This is a very hard stance to take.  Many times, people criticize me for not eating meat.  They think that its stupid, and pointless.  There are even times when they tell me that it is “gay” to not eat meat.  When I hear these things it simply cannot make me any more upset.  There are other times when I feel like just giving in and starting to eat meat again, just to shut them up.  Hopefully, I will stay true to what I believe, and not give in.

There are a few more things that I want to accomplish this year, but these two are the most important to me.  I will really make an honest effort to keep things n the back of my mind all year, and stay true to what I believe in.

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