Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chineese New Year

Next Friday I will be heading to Taiwan for Chinese New Year.  The purpose of this trip is to visit my girlfriend, Josalyn.  She has been living there for six months as an English teacher.  I am super nervous, and excited at the same time.  First off, I have planes, and the thought of traveling for over 24 hours really bums me out.  I have been to that area of the world before, and the flights were really awful.  I am not looking forward to doing that again.  Secondly, I am nervous to Josalyn again.  We talk quite frequently over Skype, and email one another often, but this is no replacement for personal interaction.  I hope everything goes smoothly, and we do not encounter too many difficulties as we travel around the island.
I really enjoy experiencing new things once I get there, but the anxiety, and nervousness of traveling is awful.  I hope to see allot over there, and hopefully relax at the same time.

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