Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back to Basics

I feel restless, and ready to do something new.  I have had this feeling allot lately.  It seems like there is something waiting for me to see it.  Something better. Something more fulfilling.  How will I know when it presents itself to me?  Will I be ready for the challenge?  

I think that I am not being pushed professionally, and creatively.  Maybe it is time to stop waiting for something, and get out and find it.  I need to try new things, and get out of my comfort zone.  Hopefully that will help me satisfy these feelings. 

The last thing that I want to be is a thirty year old man who has has let everything come to me.  I want to be the type of person who has gone and grabbed what I want in life.

I think that I have not gotten enough out of my life up to this point.  From this point on, I will start to do what I think will make me feel satisfied, and content.  I have just been going with the flow, and that stops now.

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